Monday, July 4, 2011


This summer was ceramics 6 for me, and since it was my last ceramics class, i found myself reflecting on the work i have done up to this point. i realized that i hadn't done anything that i was proud of, other than experiment ALOT. i had no finished pieces to show for all of the work i have done in ceramics 1-5. if you know me, then you also know i have a severe problem with focusing, which also hinders me from finishing things. as i looked at my portfolios from previous classes, i noticed that in all of the work i had done there was no representation of me or even a central idea... it was kinda all over the place. After doing some research, talking to my professor, and more research, i decided to start working on an installation. i had never worked like this before, and i soon realized that it forces you to think and construct in a completely different way. not only was i constructing separate wall pieces and floor pieces, but i had to make them fit together with the gallery space in mind. an installation is about creating an environment for the viewer, so half of your time is spent making the different elements and the other half is spent "installing" the pieces. i chose to do in installation in hopes of successfully focusing my time on one main objective in order to FINALLY have a finished piece ha. and after the summer semester was over, i honestly feel like i succeeded in that. i'm  happy that i have finally started to figure things out, its about time! ha


  1. holly this is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen... i want this to be my decorations at my wedding one day!! the whole concept is so amazing... there is something so soft and poetic about the whole piece. i love it. i wish i would have seen it in person!

  2. Hello, Holly! I have featured your wonderful art and blog on this week's FATuesday Artist Spotlight.

    Your artwork is truly exquisite and unusual! I LOVE it! When I visited your blog, I was inspired.

    Here's the link:
