Thursday, April 5, 2012

New wire forms and a Collaboration!

I've tried for almost a year now to get ceramic slip to stick to chicken wire forms to be fired and still keep their shape. I have been terribly unsuccessful.... until now and I'm beyond excited! With the advice of ceramic artist, Anthony Foo and many many tests, I did it! So now i'm trying this technique with some much larger forms.. Like 5 feet tall forms.. I'll keep you posted... ha

I'm also working on a collaboration clay piece with close friend and roommate Kelsey Wishik. She threw the body of the piece on the wheel and I am adding slip dipped coffee filters in the openings. We are pretty anxious to see the outcome. I'll post it as soon as its finished :)

its been a while...

I havent had time to even slow down and take a breath, much less update my blog in quite a while. I feel like i've come a long way since my last post in my work as well as my personal life. Everyone and everything changes and evolves constantly and i am just now learning how to handle that. Here is a look at some of my work leading up to now from the installation in the summer.